The COVID-19 pandemic, which originated from Wuhan, China, caused a disastrous effect on the world. The novel corona virus proved to be fatal in many cases and is considered to be highly contagious. The virus has put a pause on a global level where industries and companies had to shut down completely or partially to lower the rate of the virus spread. The consequences of the lockdown were felt around the globe where many lost jobs and war-torn countries facing a humanitarian crisis. However, the one industry that had to keep going to ensure the safety and the wellbeing of the masses is the healthcare industry. The pressure put upon the healthcare workers is of paramount, and the steady rise in the COVID-19 cases has put the workers in a spot of extreme need and danger.
An unanticipated effect of the COVID-19 crisis on the healthcare industry is the mass enrollment of the recently graduated doctors, and many retired professionals rejoined the force to help the flailing healthcare system. With the industry under huge pressure, the contracts that reign the roles, responsibilities, duration, compensation and more are thrown into disarray. Managing the contracts of doctors, nurses, student-doctors, sanitation workers, lab technicians, and more have become a point of trouble and errors.
Click here to read Managing Contract During the Crisis
A feasible way to solve the contract chaos in the healthcare industry caused by the COVID-19 outbreak is to manage the contracts with the help of reliable contract lifecycle management software.