Five things you must know about the Smart Contracts

Computer scientist and legal scholar Nick Szabo first proposed the idea of smart contracts two decades ago. He suggested that the decentralized ledger could be used for smart contracts, otherwise called self-executing contracts, or digital contract Management Software.

Today, even if the actual use of smart legal contracts remains largely in the future, the idea has gone mainstream.

You might have heard this term many times and would be thinking about it often. This quick article is aimed at providing you with a very brief overview of smart contracts, its usage, and key benefits.

What exactly is a ‘smart contract’?

Smart contracts are really […]

Five priorities for the corporate law firm’s technology innovation team

Contract Management Software as per the Global Deloitte CIO survey 2016-17. More than half of CIOs see innovation as a key priority. But they also feel that Managing Partners / CEOs are so risk-averse. They are unable to get the money to fund the innovation.

Many international firms today have dedicated ‘Innovation Teams’ that are tasked with looking at new technologies and provide innovative strategies for the legal firms’ future.

Legal tech applications range from expediting document searches to helping predict the outcome of lawsuits. To managing complex cross-border M&A transactions through the deployment of project management tools and software. Furthermore, companies […]

Best Contract Management Software for Your Organization – Eight Factors to Evaluate Them

If you are reading this article, or if you’ve just stumbled upon it on the internet, chances are that you are either wondering what is the best contract management software for your company requirements. No matter whether you are in the process of finding the right contract management software solution for your company, or you have already shortlisted some providers, this article can help you in making the right decision for selecting the best contract management software solution for your business.

Smooth Implementation & Ease of Use

It’s very important that the best contract management software for your company […]

Conversations vs. Combat

Does your sales team know the difference between conversation and combat?

Far too often, salespeople will get into verbal hostilities with their potential buyers. They hear a question or an objection and automatically go on the defensive!

This is not a trait you want to see in one of your sales reps. You’re simply not going to close a sale with a customer you’re also arguing with. The last thing you want is for your sales rep to “win” the debate and have your customer sit back and shut up. This is a sign of apathy and it won’t lead to anywhere positive for the sales rep […]

Stumbling with Cold Calls? You’re Not Alone. Here are Some Helpful Tips.

Even for experienced salespeople and sales leaders, it is not unusual to occasionally hit a wall — even fear — when it comes to making cold calls.

Here are a few tips to put you at ease:

Today will soon be done. Essentially, my encouragement to you is to stay positive and remember that one challenging day with some cold calling does not define your week, month or year.

If you sit in an open area where your colleagues can hear you on the phone, remind yourself that people pay less attention than we think they do. You may feel self conscious […]

Six Steps to Digital Selling Success

There’s a societal behavior pattern at work with social selling, which I find fascinating.

Shout It From The Rooftops

Have you ever noticed how we tend to shine a spotlight on the behaviors and social mores that we want to morph and replace with a “new normal?” By shining the spotlight on an issue and increasing awareness, over time, acceptance grows. I remember first learning about this in a sociology course in college, many years ago. Some societal examples:

Minority groups and supporters lobby about the need for equality and diversity and foster a societal movement toward racial equality.
Women’s groups and supporters espouse […]

Tackling the Impossible Sales Challenge

How do you get a targeted account if all your previous attempts have failed? If you want to catch a big fish, perhaps the sports fishermen of New Zealand can give you some ideas. After all, they face a very difficult, if not insurmountable, challenge that would stop most fisherman entirely.

The coastline off the Ninety Mile beach is teaming with red snappers and other delectable salt water species. It’s a gorgeous pristine area with huge sand dunes, no hotels and no piers.

To complicate matters even more, the sandy beach often goes out for hundreds of yards, making it difficult to fish […]